Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Fight or Flight; Male vs. Female

In fear we have two physical reactions Fight or Flight.

With my anxiety it turns to flight most of the time. I think maybe the trick is to have the mentality to fight. Fight because if you think about it, if your afraid of going to the pool, instead of curling up in bed you feel the urge to beat something down, to chase.

This post was designed in my mind to explain my different reactions while in social situations.

I've always shelled up in groups. Even in groups of three I shell up. The only exception to this rule is if I have had sufficient amount of one on one time with each individual in the group. It only takes one person I haven't had that time with and I shell up. I speak when I'm spoken to. I feel comfortable keeping attention of others, while in a group, only if asked or I feel its extremely important.

Why male vs. female?

Through the years I've come to notice that I'm much more afraid of males than females.
And by more afraid I mean that instead of the flight response I have the fight.
When I'm uncomfortable around a man I physically become super charged. My heart tightens and I instinctively become protective.
Fierce. Overly observant and on edge. I become physically ready to, in a moment act.  I want to be careful not to seem violent but if I was to feel one I loved was in danger . . . . best similarity I can think of is Mama Bear.
Bears have to protect they're young from males. Maybe I'm not alone in this response to males, maybe its a human instinct? I'm not sure.
There are some men out there that I was instinctivly not afraid of at all, at first. My husband is one, his best friend another, a guy from work at home (Walla Walla, WA) and the list goes on.
I just never really know, but it makes me very very shy around men, guys. 

With females I tend to just want to run. If a woman is overwelming or seems agressive I just try to avoid the situation as much as possible in the future. Which also makes it hard when you have no choice sometimes.
In those situations I try my best to grit and bare it for a s long as I can.

This really does sum up my social fears.

It has gotten though to a point where I avoid leaving the house just to keep away from discomfort. I'm a border line hermit.

I'm also very sensitive to positive negitive energy. I'll be having a great day. Then I'll cross paths with someone that isn't. If I know the person it affects me more than if I don't. But either way it affects me.
It got to a point that the energies I was around were getting to me way to much.
 I switch myself off from the world. It was a part of who I was, and I just turned it off to survive.
I felt it was a gift. Something I could help ppl with. I thought I wanted to be a psychologist but I changed my mind when I realized ppl that are having a bad day would come to me. Giving me a bad day too.

I didn't finish school. I broke. I never was very academic (I don't even know how to spell it, spell check.)
But that's another topic.

We all have different social issues once in a while. Are mine different? I don't really know.
People don't really talk about all this much. Yes there is the occasional social norm to talk about how "nervous" one is about something or other. But to fully admit ones fight reflex to men? That's not really talked about. I thought it would be interesting to others. and maybe connect us all in a way.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Thanks :) for answering some of my questions. It helped
