Sunday, January 13, 2013

My Weight Story

I've been putting off writing too much about my weight. It's not completely easy to talk about. It's kinda a long post in the end it's worth it though, I promise.

I've never been a tiny girl. I always had a little bit of a puff if you will? shrug. Honestly that's how I saw myself anyway. I fluctuated between 140's-170's depending on the season.

I was about to go into my different seasons but really that's all behind me. Its fun to dwell on who I used to be. I was very active. I will tell you a little about the different stuff I did. I'll do my best to be brief.

Kick boxing was a work out with great friends where we'd do long sets of punching big bags, and kicking small ones. Along with other aerobic work outs. On awesome rare occasions we'd spar.
Shout out to cousin April! best spar ever!!!
It was a fun tough work out. I miss it dearly! I'd do this twice a week as often as my work schedule allowed.

I swam with our girls swim team all four years of high school. I was a middle swimmer, not the fastest but not the slowest either. All those who know how tough swimming is I smile and nod. To those who don't well try swimming four lengths without stopping. That would be the first 2 minutes of our 2 hour practice.

I'd do sprints, jogs, lift weights, signed up for PE willingly, biked lots (3 miles to work both ways, 2-3 mile paper route. Usually same day) before I could drive, and back packed with my family once a year.

When I went to BYU-I I most likely gained my freshman 15. The weird thing is I fluctuated so much in high school that it didn't feel off. I was honestly still at a normal weight for me when I went home for April break. My mom and I had lots of fun working it off and honestly I felt great when I went back for Summer 08 semester. I spent that semester leading back packing trips almost every week end. Some of the trails were only 5-7 miles but we tried to keep them long enough that they were worth doing. I was doing smaller hikes or lifting canoes onto tall trailers on the weekends I wasn't back packing. I didn't know it then but I was really at a healthy weight.

I say all this to show what I lost and what I hope to gain back into my life.

I met my husband that summer of 08. Long story short we were married in April of 09. Short timing by world's standards, but sorta long by LDS culture.

Getting married sadly took it's toll on me. We moved to Colorado Springs our first months together. I was extremely home sick. We had completely different ideas about what food was worth spending money on. And money was super tight (still is, such is life.) So I started picking up his food habits. Also our job was installing alarm systems so we were supposed to be in random locations all around the area. We were usually at minimum a half hour from our apartment. I was not good at thinking up new food ideas so we ate out a LOT. Wasted lots of money and I put on the pounds.

By the time we moved back to Rexburg my depression set in. And set in hard. I was so blind to the fact that I could lose the weight if I just swam. I had Never been that big before so it seem daunting. I gave up.
Really truly gave up. Gave up on school, gave up trying to keep our apartment in order, gave up on fixing healthy meals. I put on 30 lbs in Rexburg.
The only thing that saved me from putting on more was our family friend Vanessa needed help getting more comfortable swimming. I love teaching people of all ages to swim. Its a mini passion of mine. So it got me active again. Active and happy enough to find a job. A job teaching swim lessons and life guarding. I thought I'd lose weight working there but I'm not sure I did. I might've lost a little but after working there a few months I got pregnant.

We moved to Overton where I started walking regularly with Jessie. I lost some weight doing that but pregnancy cravings over came me. My depression became lesser but never truly left.

We lost our Vegas teaching job. So we moved to Hawthorne. In Hawthorne I attempted three times to lose weight. Each and every time I'd get to a certain weight where I'd start to feel my body get smaller.
It literally terrified me. I felt exposed to the world! I'd start shaking, then eating to calm down. I'd quit every single time I reached that point. Once I realized this I started really mulling and focusing on what might be the problem.

It was fear of success. Fear of the unknown. Fear of being hurt by my husband even at my best. Fear that I'd fail anyway or gain it all back. Fear of being someone that should feel good but didn't.

I wasn't ready to let my comfort blanket of weight go. It is odd that it would be a comfort. But it truly made me feel safe. It's a false safe though.
I can't even look in the mirror with out the worst emotions washing over me. When I put on my make up I focus on what I'm doing. I never just look. It hurts to much. William is constantly trying to convince me I'm beautiful. I don't believe him. I was once, but I'm not anymore. I post pictures of myself that are years old unless they are angled right to not show how bad its become.

I've once again started a weight loss program, one that I enjoy and fully believe in.
My psychologist says just me finding that reason might be enough for me to get past it this time.
I am scared that I will fail again.
I am SICK of not being able to look at myself with love and pride! I am TIRED of not feeling worth noticing or looking at. I'm tired of "embracing the fat girl in me!" Sorry if this offends anyone, but I am READY to be ME.

If you like the way you are don't stress to make yourself into someone your not.

I am ready to step out of my little comfortable shell and be the real me again. The girl who Loves to feel her body get stronger. The girl who likes taking pictures of herself for heavens sake. The girl who danced without caring who saw. The girl who fits into her engagement ring!

Another reason I've been feeling ready is that I've been reading The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman
Another shout out! Thanks Robert an Shannon for the book!
After leaving home my love tank was at best half full. Living with my parents I'm pretty sure my love tank was always full. In my marriage we were speaking different love languages. William is words of affirmation. I'm physical touch.  Words would not convince me of my worth, but touch would.
We are both now working to make sure each others love tanks are full.

It's time to break free from the fear and move forward. Its time to burn my way back out into the world.


  1. Chantal great post! I love your new background and I think it fits perfectly with your post :) It;s so fun to be motivated, whatever the motivation is for. You've motivated me to start eating healthier and taking better care of my body too. Thanks so much, this was the perfect thing to read before bed :) P.s. The Chantal you talk about years ago is the Chantal I see in my mind when I think of you :)

    1. Thanks Beccah! I'm so glad you enjoyed it. :D And it's just icing on the cake if my posts help other people. You made my day. :)
